Man flu doesn't exist. It's a term women used to say about men when they pretended they were far iller than they were to get waited on all day.
When on earth did it become an actual illness? Or do you mean you just have a cold??
Wrong it's a term women created to undermine the dreaded effects of flu on a man to make themselves feel superior. They, you see, can work a full time job, look after 2-3 kids and do all the housework when they have the flu, but a man can't life a finger. They are implying therefore that man flu must be so much more severe than women flu in a very sarcastic way.... Another is when somebody says "If you really had flu, you wouldn't be able to get out of bed" I'm like... 'no, I'm not a 85 year old with bird flu. I'm an otherwise healthy adult with the flu.' Anyway yeah I phoned in work last week with my symptoms and the lady who took my call couldn't help herself but to say "Is it man flu"
I might buy a 50% reduced B3 just to beat her with