As some of you may know I went to Asad's store the other week and I found it very hard to resist the CA bats he had in stock.
There was a method to the madness of leaving without one though (and the fact I bought a New Balance made up for it...). I had my eye on one on a well known auction site.
I stumbled upon this listing, and put it on my watch list hoping I'd bag a bargain. It may sound like a forum cliche, but CA is a brand I've always liked but never given the attention it deserves. I know a lot of people rate CA highly, and one of the best bats I've ever used was an old CA Plus 150,000. The ones in Uzi Sports re-kindled my love for the Pakistan made brand and convinced me I wanted one. As the forum was in it's dead period when the auction ended I was safe from the curse of the Bargain Spots thread. I paid less than £50 posted for this stick.
It was listed as "New Other - Unused, left in storage and grip removed". I'm not sure I believe this ad there appears to be some ball marks near the stickers. Hmmm...

Used or not, it seems to be in fairly good condition for it's age and responds well. No idea of weight as I haven't weighed it yet, nor have I measured any of it, but when I tapped up an old ball lets just say it put a smile on my face. It feels light and being an older model isn't a huge bat, but is a full shape.
The only disappointment is the blob of filler near the bottom of the right hander's outside edge.
There are 7 evenish, fairly straight grains that run through the toe and a few speckles on the face.
Enough waffle about nothing, I'll weight it, measure it and do a 'ping test' video tomorrow. Now for the pictures from when it arrived (yesterday)

Bonus picture, I also got some new shoes yesterday