There's quite a few ladies and girls that play in the lower divisions of our leagues. There not professionals, just enthusiasts.
There's also an "all ladies" anston team in our Sunday league. Amusingly as its not an all woman's league. They usually have 9 woman and 2 blokes every Sunday.
1 week the oppo reported them to the league, as they had them 56 for 9, and 10 and 11 were the clubs two male pros, and they finished the innings in the 300's. League obvioudly did nothing. Lol.
As for us, the oppo signed then Pakistan woman's captain urooj Khan a few seasons back, and the league declared she could only play for the firsts, she had a decent season with ball (30 odd wickets) and about 300 runs with bat.
It was very much her level. And she played well in both games against us.