Went to GCCC today and saw the 50+and XP80 in person. The XP80 is much more impressive to me as it is just s giant. I picked one up in the 1500 range and thought it was 2'7 but it was 2'10, which would be because of the ridiculously high middle. There's also an optical illusion to me when looking down the back of the bat from the toe up, as the bat looks narrower than normal due to the spine coming out so far. Even thought about buying one, but could justify $795 for the 1500 model.
The 50+ was okay. Very heavy with next to no spine. Wasn't impressed at all.
Something that shocked me more was the stupid prices they are charging for bats now. It's gone from 1 bat being over $1000 AUD to being like 7 of them now. Completely obsurd! There was also a bag that cost me $190 a few years back and was only $195 last year, is somehow now $235 for the exact same thing as last year. Why??? Bloody Australia and our stupid pricing