If a cleft is truly low density it wont be graded 2/3/4 its also rare for it to be available first up to the bat buying public
Not true in our book - only low density Grade 1 makes it into our crown grade - that's why these are so special and they are the price they are.
We don't tend to get a lot of low density grade 3's but the low density grade 2's we use for our Pro's.
Higher moisture = wont play as well
Lower moisture = become brittle
Research has show 11% is the optimum (hence the aim for willow suppliers to get to 10 - 12%). Interestingly, you cannot get to this moisture content (MC) without a kiln (UK climate).
Density can only be compared when clefts have a similar MC throughout otherwise you are comparing apples with pears and is pointless.