Generally speaking because we don't know all the facts here, the parish owned grounds I have come across have the most fantastic rent deals available, I don't know why but the clubs I have met that play under these conditions have the best deals available to anyone I've personally come across before.
I can only compare to London costs where a lot of grounds are owned by local councils. When I started playing rents were discounted if you were a community club, was my club still is, but rents rocketed as fields were classed as rentable value as if a house was being built on it.
A club 2 miles from us had a rent increase from 1500 to 12,000 in one season. This was reduced by negotiation to around 7,000.
This was for a club over 100 years old.
This club mentioned will know rent can, and always is, negotiated upwards.
Certainly not something my club would do using social media unless every avenue to raise more cash from the members was exhausted.