It's more of a psychological process. We yearn for stuff that we don't have.
The bat supposedly "opened up in a week" because you don't have it anymore and now you miss it.
Had it been sitting in your bag, you wouldn't have much of a different opinion about it then the rest in stock.
And now, I will let the cricket bat philosophers take it from here and walk you through the intricacies of moisture content, willow grade, pressing variations, heartwood vs sapwood, hardness and brittling impact of the ball, oiled willow vs non-oiled surface, naturally air dried timber vs cooked in a pizza oven timber, English vs Kashmir vs Canadian willow, age of the tree and number of grains, weight and density of the cleft, shape of the profile, edge size vs no concaving, knocking in sessions by hand vs by machine, wooden mallet vs slege hammer, bat being stored in your garage vs in your car trunk vs in your closet vs in your basement vs in your attic, vs at your friend's place etc