@Seniorplayer https://imgur.com/a/7PQeehttps://imgur.com/twwhu80
I had a chat with Seniorplayer about moving although we have differing opinions on Mr Woakes since and things may have changed , but its interesting to see some of those sides and divisions. Some nice away days.
I play for Cookhill that's just by Redditch on the Worcs / Warks border.
How did you get hold of that? We had our agm and no one had any clue how the divisions or fixtures were lining up. Looks like they're retaining the late finish for the fixtures. 16th September!! That's too late imo but it does mean no bank holiday Monday game at least.
Was given out at the league AGMLate finish with no bank Holiday game is better than an earlier April start, grounds are in better shape and availability slightly easier to come by