I've spent last coupla years, you tubing and reading books etc on diets and healthy eating
Few things I've tried to put into practice, and I'm feeling a million times better for it
Sort of a combination of a few things flying around,
Basically, fallen from a tree, ie as little processed food as possible
I've virtually cut out red meat, and eat very little meat full stop.
As much fresh veg as I can, two thirds of a meal at least
As few carbs as possible, definitely no white bread
Breakfast and lunch are fruit only,(as much as I want) feel mega from starting this before xmas, bloatings gone, and I'm never hungry during the day now,no lack of energy,even after a 14hr day and 600miles of driving.
ALL meals are cooked fresh, definitely no ready meals.
Still can't seem to drink much water, I just can't do it
Just wish I'd started this a long time ago