When we Launched the GP274 the first thing we did was announce that Mr Tim Keely was making this Bat for two reasons. With Tims Name attached to it we thought the Publics interest would increase which it did and secondly we did not want too mis lead anyone we felt their was no need to add this to our site in hindsight we should have it might have increased sales
I hope this answers your questions Rahul_k
Did this appear on the BS website? Be so kind as to provide a link, if you could.
No personal issue here, but I see Newbery state very clearly that the lower grades are only finished in the UK. I really don't see how the issue is different. Do GN state obviously that 99% of their bats are made in India? I suspect not. If a batmaker outsources work, wherever that might be, if it is clearly stated, there should be no problem.