"Disappointing considering the fantastic heritage..."
Indeed. And I would go as far as saying they have been the foremost and most forward thinking quality batmakers in the Country over a long period of time.
But things change and some of us the forum who are 'purists' don't run their Companies and don't have the responsibilities they do, it's a business first and everything else second.
We are so so lucky in England the choice we have, as other Companies get bigger and outsource someone else usually comes along hand making bats here. I don't know how long H4L have been going, or red ink, or B3 but none were around when I first started buying bats.
There absolutely nothing wrong with bats being made in India or Pakistan but we have many options here ourselves if that's what we want.
I can't say 100 per cent every bat I've ever bought is UK made but ideally it would be.
Others will disagree I'm sure and that's fine, I think if it's craftsmanship you crave, it's right here in England.