I'm struggling to understand why this is such an issue.
Some bats only get finished in U.K. due to cost.
Surely nobody is suggesting Asia cannot make cricket bats?
It increases choice in the market place & keeps cost competition tight - if u can spot a bat there's plenty of value out there.
Yes there is a need for transparency of provenance but brands are by their very nature smoke & mirrors (and stickers)
Finally why is their not such moral outrage over white goods?
The problem isn't bats being made in Asia. Take Millichamp and Hall for example, they market their bats as 'meticulously crafted by hand in Somerset' and have always charged a premium as such. Now, if you want a gun bat handcrafted in Somerset and are prepared to pay to get one, more power to you, particularly as they've always turned out good bats and built a reputation for doing so. However, based on that reputation, they charge £500 for a grade 2 of their flagship model. No doubt they'll be decent bats, but taking a quick look at a forum retailer, you can buy a grade 2 from the same batmaker (who are unlikely to claim their bats to be handcrafted in Somerset!) for £129. You don't see how that could be viewed as mugging people off?
As for white goods - next time you go choose a fridge based on whether it's handmade by a skilled craftsman or not, let us know