This is more of a general observation about this type of brand, if i was to startup a brand and make the bats myself, i would be sure that my social media was full of pictures of clefts, handles going in, all the machinery i used etc. All i ever see on facebook/twitter from this sort of brand is photos of shelf ready bats with stickers on them, or 'part mades' that literally need the once over with some sandpaper to become finished bats.
Not a direct attack here as i have no particular agenda other than my general observation above, but Koala you have suggested you are making them and that you need for some absurb reason to place them near a heat source to allow glue to dry. Heat melts adhesives used in stickers and anti-scuff, the same goes for old school animal glue used by some batmakers for handles, it in fact needs heating up in order to get it into a state where it is of a low enough viscosity to be applied.
To my knowledge PVA is reasonably stable under a wide range of temperatures. Contact adhesive for toe guards doesn't like heat at all.
So as Tom asks, whats the glue you are 'drying' ?