Afternoon Gentleman
after spending the last two years traveling I logged on here to see what the new chat was all about.
Thought I would post something that has been topic of discussion before but never really directly addressed:
When I was a lad, a long long time ago, the cricket bat market consisted of a small hand full of "bat makers" with each bat being slightly different: by that, I mean if a lad from my club had an SS, and I had a Duncan Fearnley, we would be able to see distinct differences. Additionally, each bat felt hand made and felt different, I used to love spending hours of my time picking up bats and trying them out before buying. Sad, I know
Today, we see what can only be described as a plague of pop up cricket brands, offering hand made Grade 1 English willow bats, hand selected, hand finished blardy blardy bla. I guarantee I can purchase Bat A from brand 1 and Bat B from brand 2 and they will both be exactly the same profile, made by the same guys and probably sent over here on the same plane.
Should the market regulations be amended to state that only cricket brands that MAKE THEIR OWN BATS can brand them accordingly.
I would love to see a reduction in the amount of pop up brands... popping up! and a return to the quality driven industry I was used to growing up!
I may sound old and bitter, but there's too much average sh*t floating around the market at the moment. Lads popping up with a free website, importing bits and bobs and selling from their bedroom. Something needs to change.
Its not just the small boys that pi*s me off: Adidas, New Balance, SS, Spartan, Slazenger and a whole load more don't make their own bats.