So I have joined a team after moving to the US last July and we just started playing the T20 competition last weekend. Couple of surprises when I looked around at the kit on display. Bats included a grainy Aldred Velocity, nice GN E41 LE, GM Six6 (grade sticker removed, but sounds great), a big, light and full shaped BDM and an old GM Hero 909. Biggest surprise was the bat in the team bag: a Screaming Cat! Quite banged up and the stickers removed except back toe one, but the response still great. Will get pictures up when I can.
First time seeing one in flesh, albeit a very used one, but the balance was striking. I would love to get it cleaned up to try to preserve the life span. Last place I thought I would come across a Screaming Cat would be in Washington DC in a team kit bag.