I've seen his Pro bats and they were much bigger than the off the shelf bats. As we know, Pros get the lowest density (Maybe over dried) willow so a 2.8 in their shape is far bigger and fuller in shape than an off the shelf bat. I agree with
@procricket that some pro bats e.g. First class players bats don't look that good. Even some of KW's didn't look that good but will/should ping straight away. I'm fairly certain most Pro's don't get the same looks as some go the GM Players editions Ive seen or the UK legends because the brands know normal punters will pay big bucks for them.
That being said, if Kohli etc want the best looking and best performing then they will get them too.
I think my point was and it has been said that Pro's can use the off the shelf bats against the worlds best and the middles on them are still exceptional. The only difference would be the off centre shots in my opinion.
I did find it hard to believe that he didn't ask (Or maybe he did and was told no) his team mates who were sponsored by GM for one of theirs. Maybe the size and weight was too far off for him.
What ever the case I think its a good endorsement for GM and their bats...Apart from all the pros bats that broke last season