Hello folks, with nothing to do at work today, I thought I'd do a review of the bats I bought this year(not in chronological order). I bought quite a few in total, some for myself, some for others. I was looking for 'THE BEST BAT' money can buy, and in that search bought a handful of top end bats. At no point I was interested in keeping all of these bats, I was just searching for THE ONE.
The purpose of this post is to help people like me who don't have access to these bats locally and have to buy online, for them to have an idea what to expect in terms of shape, handle, performance etc.
I will start with a slightly detailed review of the three bats I will be keeping, and less comprehensive reviews of the ones I have let go. The three that I'm keeping are the GM Quinton De Kock Players Edition, GN XXX-11 Handcrafted, and GN 50+. Reviews to follow.