After most of the season not triggering, I have gone back to it. I have scored virtually no runs all season, and it has been pointed out that my bat is coming through in a curved arc rather than straight, something which wasn't an issue before. As such, I have gone back to what is familiar and feel better already, even if I got a another first baller last game.
I've played with plenty of good players whose bat comes down in a curved arc.
If a trigger movement works for you and it's comfortable that has to be the way to play, then you can work out if you want to change the way it comes down later.
Three things I work on constantly having had technique problems are very basic
Really watch the ball close, in nets or practice watch it go past even if you are leaving it
Back and across a bit to balance the head-trigger if you call it that.
Left foot (right hander) slightly outside the line moving forward so the bat can come thru straight and your not playing around the pad.
Keep it simple and do what is natural because what works for one does not work for another.
The basics thou remain the same, ie watching the ball and being balanced at the crease-some with, some without a trigger movement.