Just saw this. Well, I have been out of the loop for many years. But if old things still hold true, I would advise you to pay a visit up north to Jallandhar and Meerut, specially the first one if you get the time. And when you do, just scoot past the big names, go to the backstreets to the small independent shops, and have a bat handmade up to your specifications for at max 100 pounds. You can order softs too. There are many smaller companies that are really good. If you need consistency in a bulk order, they will not be very consistent. But if you have a small order and have a day to spare, that will be worth the effort. You can of course visit the factories of the bigger ones if you are inquisitive. BDM is a major example where the company does not (at least did not) make bulk orders for foreign companies. Also, do not be confused by the last name Mahajan when you are roaming the streets-- the other mahajans have no connection with the Mahajan of BDM. The smaller, yet bigger names (comparatively), like SM, ZX, etc. are good too. I used to have a diary where I would keep the contact info of many of these little known shops. Anyway, to get the maximum bang for your buck, get out of Bangalore, land in Chandigargh or Delhi and take a cab to Jallandhar. Be prepared to haggle and do not take things lying down and you should have a fun time.