Not sure I understand some of the article tbh. If someone wants to buy part mades or finished bats and sell them, what's the problem as long as the quality is good? My current bat is one example of this and one of the best bats I've had. Made by a top batmaker, great customer service, fair price and a pleasure to deal with. I don't think he's clear enough there is a difference between companies doing this and the ones buying firewood or low quality, stickering them up and marketing themselves as a manufacturer.
Also as he mentioned it's hard to get started in the business as a true batmaker, as it is in any other other area the cricket industry I reckon. So starting your own brand etc maybe the only option available, out of a garage or not. Just because it can be advertised better and easier these days doesn't necessarily mean its wrong to do it.
I've contacted people in the cricket industry for advice on how I could forge any type of career in cricket and haven't had much coming back, so that sort of leads you to think that doing something for yourself maybe the only option.