on the list.
So, how does this "stand apart from those who make garbage replicas of masuris and shreys" exactly? It looks like a cheap replica of a Shrey to me...
So the peak is flexing from pushing a ball through by hand. This is not 'almost there' as suggested in the video. The test involves firing a ball at high speed from near point blank range. The helmet will require a redesign, and a price rise as a result.
Less than £20 is that right? Surely they dont all come in that camo design?
@Mfarank are you an owner or just on commission?
They stand apart from those who make garbage replicas of masuris and shreys in the region
It's a shrey looking helmet with a masuri looking grille that they are selling and making profit on at 20 might look nice, but they need to be cutting an outrageous amount of safety and quality corners to do so. you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to safety equipment.