From what I can see the blade is longer than a MMi3 but shorter than an Uzi 20/20, however the profile dwarfs both. Now unless these are all going to be all made from very low density willow there must be a trick involved to create such a massive profile, question is what trick?
Splice makes no odd's to me, hiding it is pure gimmick and offers no benefit to the player. The MMi3 has a perfectly normal splicing position and the shoulders are purely removed to a position lower than the base of the splice. The CoR has the splice raised into the handle and the resulting hitting area is so close to the hands that it cannot generate enough bat speed to play shots, glances are possible as with a standard blade which do not change with or without a splice.
A mid way bat may be a better blend of both shapes, if player paid to use and promote the MMi3 refuses to use it then it speaks volumes about the bat, after all they could batter a 100 with just about anything. The CoR is just the same shape as the Uzi 20/20 so is nothing new there, cannot understand why Mongoose would not launch a mid way shape as 2 models only is a very light line up.
I would love to know what the pick up and feel is like from Rich and Pete, this will for me be the main selling point.
How big are the edges on the website bat? 45mm?