Another Kent club made their first appearance in the Kent Prem in 2008, went on to win 5 Prem titles, got relegated 2017, promoted back first attempt then majority of players left for varying reasons (apparently) and the club asked to be demoted and were put in Div 5. They always claimed not to pay, not sure many believed them. Thankfully the club is still going.
My club has an overseas, always does. Back in the day they were employed as assistant groundsman, played midweek and Sundays - so we got a lot from them and the overseas enjoyed (for the most part) playing lots of cricket, playing with people outside of the 1st team and really got involved in the club.
Unless those being paid are giving something back - i.e. coaching, i just don't see the point in spending �000's on players for club cricket - the club doesn't win money for winning the league.
Exactly my thoughts, been paid for a number of years and moved clubs due to it, but every club I�m at I take over an age group and do the all stars and before all stars was around the infant cricket.
Will play on sundays when needed and I will go up to the club and use it as a social hub throughout the week. So I feel like I�m giving a decent amount back into the team. I play with people who train Wednesdays and Thursdays. Play Saturday then go off the face of the earth the rest of the week