Fundraising at your club: advice and feedback
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Fundraising at your club: advice and feedback
« on: June 12, 2023, 03:33:31 PM »

Would love to get your thoughts, or that of the person most heavily involved in fundraising at your club:

The problem I have found with fundraising
I have recently been getting more involved in the fundraising activities of my club. We're based in Leicestershire, and currently run a 100 Club, Fantasy Cricket, raffles and various events. It will come as no surprise to most of you that this can be extremely time-consuming and admin-heavy.
For example, even for the 100 Club, I find myself advertising on social media, emailing back and forth, checking the bank account for who has paid (hoping they give a friendly reference for me to know what it is for), then noting it down, and that's before having to chase payments or doing the actual draw. As the 100 Club grows this becomes exponentially worse.

Building something to make it easier
I tried to find an easier way of managing it. I couldn't find anything, and so decided to build it myself. Therefore, my friend and I are building a platform that would handle a fundraising activity from start to end. This would include processing payments, assigning them easily to an activity, reporting on progress for each activity, automating admin-tasks, and integrating with social media/communication channels.

What's the ultimate goal
The ultimate goal would be reducing administrative burden on the organiser, allowing more activities to be run at the same time easily, and therefore increase the amount of funds raised for the club.

Would love feedback
We have started building out a beta version. But clearly, before we go too far down a certain path, we're keen to get as much feedback as possible on the idea. Then, eventually, hopefully on the platform itself.
  • Firstly, are any of you involved in the fundraising of your club? If so, would you mind completing a short survey for us as we attempt to get quantifiable feedback:
  • Secondly, I would love to hear thoughts on the idea, whether it solves a problem for people, and anything you want to share about the subject.

Really appreciate any insights you guys can provide. Thanks.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 03:35:14 PM by Paese »


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Re: Fundraising at your club: advice and feedback
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2024, 02:34:22 PM »

Firstly, thank you to anyone who provided their feedback via the form above, it was invaluable in helping us build out a v1. It seems like a lifetime ago, we’ve moved on a lot since then but the responses were invaluable.

Update on the above: this side project – now called PitchIn Platform - is alive and kicking. An initial 15 clubs signed up, before we stopped onboarding new clubs to focus on product/scalability, and now have 50+ clubs waiting. You can check out the site here (making improvements every day, demo videos coming this week): Our clubs now include not only cricket, but also rugby, football, bowls, netball and some small charities.

Each club gets their own web application and does exactly what we set out to, automating and streamlining things like 100 Clubs, sponsorships, events and even donations via online payments, itemised reporting, auto-notifications and social media/email integrations. And more coming soon. Also, there’s no platform fee, so a club can sign up and play around without paying anything if they really want.

Some of you may or may not have received emails about the waitlist. But, thought it would be of interest to people on here, since the whole mission behind it is making it easier for grassroots clubs to raise more funds, and do it with less volunteer resource and in less time. Our hope is that is helps more clubs stay afloat and continue to offer a facility to the community.

If anyone fancies a demo or a chat about it let me know, I can share my mobile number or do a Zoom. Or, sign up to and I’ll make sure you get the updates from now to launch that show what features are being built, along with fundraising tips etc.

Apologies in advance if this is to “salesy” and not allowed. Happy to remove if so.

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