Happy Xmas
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Happy Xmas
« on: December 25, 2023, 12:38:16 PM »

Season's greetings, one and all! 🎄🎅🎁

Who got what? Let's get pics of those new bats up.

Just some autobiographies today but following the @thebigginge thread, I am going to nip off to the shops when they open again to get something from GN for 24.
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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2023, 01:02:34 PM »

I wonder if there was enough interest Gn would do something for the forum special bats


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2023, 01:42:55 PM »

I highly doubt it...


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2023, 01:44:33 PM »

Guessing you would also jump at the chance if they Offered it



Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2023, 03:25:55 PM »

I've got two copies of Stuart Broad's new book 😂 and my dad has been walking about the house in his new Scott pads "to get them worn in for winter nets" so assume he's quite happy with them.


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2023, 06:25:32 PM »

Got a new custom G1 from Hunts which was £315 - very reasonable for a g1 these days
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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2023, 06:44:58 PM »

I've got two copies of Stuart Broad's new book 😂 and my dad has been walking about the house in his new Scott pads "to get them worn in for winter nets" so assume he's quite happy with them.

Glad he likes them mate! An upgrade from the 90s GNs I take it? 😆


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2023, 07:06:47 PM »

Glad he likes them mate! An upgrade from the 90s GNs I take it? 😆

Just a bit 😂


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2023, 02:18:52 PM »

Right then... Happy Christmas and all that.

What new kit have you all got?

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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2023, 12:31:58 AM »

C'mon lads... 😂 Someone else here definitely got something cricket bat related... Don't make me feel bad... In all honesty, these were bought at different times of the year, but all happened to arrive over the last couple of weeks. (Luckily retailers and batmakers are kind enough and take me seriously enough to keep stock I've bought aside until a more convenient delivery date)

Far left is a Mana Signature obtained via eBay - nice enough bat - but I won't go much into detail on it!

Next are 2 ACID bats direct from Salix themselves. (One Fluoro G1 and a Nitric Pro) They will get a separate review! (Really excellent bats)


Next 2 area Keeley Pro Camel from Keeley direct, and a GM Broad Players from Talent Cricket. The Camel surprised me - I didn't expect it to be that chunky from images I was sent - I was just told it had my name written on it, and as always, the Keeleys don't miss!


Next up, 2 beautiful grainy Aion Signature/606 and a Powerpot 3 Star from Talent Cricket. The Powerspot packs a real pingy punch, beautifully clean blade and only 5 wide grains.


Powerspot vs Aion

Aion vs Players

And last but not least, 2 beautifully grainy 404s with some butterfly - an Aion and Mana from our own SixSixes Cricket



It does seem like full profiles are becoming more popular with people wanting no (perceived) compromise in volume in the blades. That being said, I think pretty much all Aions I've seen have been 106 or below in terms of width, and perhaps due to how thin it gets up to the shoulder, they do seem to be a touch narrower up there. They do feel very much like an 'answer' to the demand for the Indian styled SS bats with large volume alongside the Brava, with the flat faces being implemented. (Incidentally, most of the Bravas I saw were also around the 105-106mm width mark) The Manas were all 107-108mm, some being close to 109mm. (Yes, I'm sad enough to bring a gauge, calipers and scales with me when visiting a cricket shop!) The Powerspot itself is around 106mm - as were most GN bats I saw. (Around 105-107mm)

With regards to width - I think the compromise has to be made in order to allow for larger perceived volume at manageable weights if that's where the market wants to go. Consumers can just get things in their head that they want/need, and won't be told otherwise - in the end there needs to be some give/take. This being said, my biggest concern with the bats I've seen hasn't been weights or widths, but actually in handle shaping - some of it has honestly been shocking. I've picked up GNs where the handles really haven't been right, and GMs where the handles have felt bumpy. And no, this isn't due to the grips, this is actual lack of finishing of the handles with proper rasping. At the end of the day, if you're gonna narrow, fine, let retailers know at the very least, but it's not the end of the world. If you're gonna thin out handles a bit - fine. But don't skimp out on allowing for more time to have a comfortable fitting handle. Reshaping a handle isn't really something a customer can do too readily - they can adjust thickness, but correcting the actual shape? I guess it's the nature of something being mass produced, with this vital step being one that has to be performed by a human.


Anyways, rant over - I guess I'll go into more detail in actual reviews when I get a chance. Didn't have time to do a 12 days this year, but eh - plenty of reviewers out there. :) Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and here's to the New Year!

If there's any interest, I guess I might start doing video reviews. Not that I have any shortage of bats to actually review, but really, I guess visual and audio presentation speaks more to certain folks than words typed out.


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2023, 06:40:00 AM »

Lovely bats

For the salix acid and Nitro

Are these stock shapes or did you specify anything for the shape or the toe size etc

What are the weights ?


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2023, 08:16:10 AM »

Lovely bats. Real shame that GM bleached the butterfly.

Now that keeley. That is the business. 😍

I expect to see you doing insane helicopter shots with that in the summer.
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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2023, 01:01:52 PM »

Masuri E-Line Thigh Guards from Santa for me. They really are very good.


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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2023, 10:51:23 PM »

Lovely bats

For the salix acid and Nitro

Are these stock shapes or did you specify anything for the shape or the toe size etc

What are the weights ?

Didn't specify much at all really, just 2.10-2.11, medium oval and big profiles for the weight. I didn't specify any measurements or things like that, just what Andrew and Kel deemed suited my requirements. The toes are decent sized, and I wasn't really too worried about dead weight - I think the Fluoro was just a smidge under 2.10 and the Nitric was around 2.12 - I didn't weigh them, but got a phonecall from Andrew asking me if I was fine with this. If I give specs these days, I'll normally ask for it not to be too thin at the splice and toe, and for the bat to be as big as the batmaker can get it for the weight. And even then, I'm pretty flexible - I want the bat the way the batmaker envisions/crafts it. Do feel in the end, if you ask for something like a 40mm toe, then the balance won't be quite to the batmaker's liking and shape won't be to their style.

Lovely bats. Real shame that GM bleached the butterfly.

Now that keeley. That is the business. 😍

I expect to see you doing insane helicopter shots with that in the summer.

Thanks @Buzz - yes, agree that it's a shame they have bleached these! The Keeley is really quite the weapon - it is so full and just feels incredible. You have too much faith in my abilities - they'll be insane as I'll have just about finished the shot by the time the bails hit the ground haha 😄



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Re: Happy Xmas
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2023, 04:28:19 AM »


Never seen a camel bat by Keeley but looks a stunner and it sounds like the lump taken out has no affect on the ping too
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