On the back of my fun-packed trip to Romida in Leatherhead yesterday – I pass on the following…
The Kook softs are as good as ever and they expect to sell loads of them – not so the bats which they said were mixed – apart from the red (CCX?) kit which was not so good to look at. We all agreed that the ICE kit would be missed as it was preferable to the replacement Orange range.
The G and M bats were extremely good (branding was a bit mixed and the APEX was not a popular shape) I thought the softs (the original gloves) looked a bit plane and were still expensive.
The GN stuff was pretty good especially the 5* bats for £150 – they (and I) felt these were better value for money than the Legend – which was admittedly extremely nice…
Of the more expensive bats they said they expected the Distinction and the new M and H bat the Amplus to be a huge hit (I couldn’t disagree)
They had some really good looking SF softs in stock and expected the bats to be very popular again this year.
Disappointingly they wouldn’t be offering any county gear this year – which given the rebrand and the enduring quality we also agreed was a shame.
Finally they said they would be stocking the Mongoose this season…