On that note Jon, have you put in an open request for the batmakers on the forum to provide you with a quote for a legend like bat with 20 odd straight grains and see what they come back with. Clearly the willow is difficult to come by? Maybe Talisman has a couple of 40 year old trees he could chop for you?
On the Laver topic, Lavers are now very expensive thanks to the changes in exchange rate. The basic Carbo Churchill has changed from £165 last year to £220 now, so you won't get a PB at the price stated anymore. In addition, whether or not he puts it down as a gift, you may still get costoms charges, especially as he uses someone like Fedex now who charge for pretty much everything.
On the Chase topic, I've the ex-pro Chase bat that's been doing the rounds on here now, and it seems sound enough from the mallet. I'll post a comment regarding its performance when I've used it in the nets properly.