Hey adam, sorry for the delay I didnt realise anyone had replied since it died off. Thankyou for the kind remarks and for your input - I do wish My photography skills did the bat justice though.
As for numbers, Initially I was serialising my bats with punches. I then started stickering my bats but my design was such that it covered the area that I used to stamp (back of the inside shoulder) so I stopped the practise. To be honest I have since lost track, but my new stickers have opened up the area once again, So I will probably resume stamping. Ill just have to backtrack through my records and see what Im upto (thats easier said than done though as most were cash
) . As for concervative estimates, I repaired a (No Swearing Please) load of bats long before I ever made any - I wouldnt think Ive made that many more than Chris andy Andy, but alot less that Gary who would appear to have cracked the big time (and good luck to him).