Hello all,
Was unsure where to start this topic, its mainly for me to do a little research for work, as we consider or toy with the idea of stocking our cricket centre, with smaller brands. By that I dont mean any disrespect to such brands, but I mean smaller as in less mainstream, so not the usual Kook, GM and Gray Nics.
Firstly, do we know of any brands that work on a sale or return basis with cricket shops/stockists?
And if so, what sort of percentages are they generally working with.
I understand I may be better off approaching the brands privately, to get an accurate idea, but thought I'd open it up to the forum to see if anyone already deals in this manner, and the possibility that one of these brands on the forum may come forward with some extra info.
We would also be looking to invite a clothing brand/ manufacturer to come on board and stock our shop, and also kit our coaches out in the gear, and set up an online club shop for our merchandise.
Any help would be appreciated