Becoming a joke!
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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2012, 09:19:09 PM »

Then you should know better!  ;)

With full acceptance of ALL umpiring decisions comes true enlightenment grasshopper..... ;)

I have no problem with umpires, I was moaning about my own skipper telling me not to appeal for a stumping ;) 8)

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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2012, 01:47:46 AM »

To the OP, unfortunately mate, that's the nature of the beast. Some blokes who play the game are honest and will call it as they see it. Others will sh-t in their hands and tell you with a straight face that it's gold. Swings and roundabouts I reckon - some days you don't get the calls, others you do.

A couple of seasons ago I had one bloke out three times before his team finally gave him. Two were the plumbest LBWs you've ever seen (I'm not exaggerating) and the other was a full toss around his knees that was caught - he was 3/4 off the field when the central umpire convinced the square leg umpire it was a no-ball. They were his teammates, and naturally I was furious, but what can you do? Another time I didn't even appeal (I don't appeal unless I'm certain it's out) for an LBW and the umpire gave it - I thought the ball had bounced before it hit the batsman, but the umpire said it hit him on the full. Fair enough, it's his call and I'll take the wicket everyday.
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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2012, 08:34:56 AM »

i have 2 things to say on this i leave saturday cricket for being serious and sunday cricket  big laugh with my mates,in are sunday league we have loads of teams who think there nearly semi pro but are basically dog (No Swearing Please) bowlers batters and fielders,the thing we have on sunday is a massive amount of team spirt and i know if someone even tries to give me any sort of (No Swearing Please) i have 10 people going to give in back twice as bad to them,and thats why i love the 2 levels of cricket i play


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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2012, 09:20:37 AM »

i have 2 things to say on this i leave saturday cricket for being serious and sunday cricket  big laugh with my mates
Exactly. Play your cricket hard on a Saturday - it's tough in the league no matter what standard you play in - and you'll ne wanting the umpires to play it fair too. To the OP it would annoy me massively if this was happening in a League Match. You'd expect the guys to know the rules... Mate if you're good enough then go and play somewhere else in a better standard where you have league umpires...

On a Sunday, if it's a friendly then does it really matter if your captain tells you not to appeal for the last wicket because he wants to let someone have else have a bowl. Nah, not at all. Sundays are about participation and as long as you have a good game with runs scored on both sides it doesn't matter if you win or not. If the umpires are a bit dodgy/don't know the rules does it really matter? Sundays should be FUN, keep the serious stuff for Saturdays


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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2012, 10:16:17 AM »

We play in a league where umpires are not mandatory but if you turn up with an ump and the others don't, you win the toss. This means that we do a lot of umpiring. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I quite enjoy umpiring, but I will give a batsman out if I believe he is out. The last question any umpire should ask themselves before raising the finger is "Is there any legitimate reason that that is not out?"...


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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2012, 11:22:55 AM »

I had to ump on Saturday, and you have to call them as you see them. Early on there was a massive lbw shout against one of our openers (who went on to get 76 no) which I turned down. TBH it was a miracle that he wasn't out, as the ball cannoned off both pads before missing leg stump by a whisker - I was expecting to hear the crash of timber. But my reason for not giving it was that I thought he'd got a thin inside edge on it first. This is what I told the bowler when he made a polite enquiry as to why it wasn't given, and he was satisfied with the answer.
In general I think LB's are the most contentious, and there can be a lot of twaddle spouted. The one that raises my hackles is the airy: 'Oh, he was playing across the line...'
OK it makes it more likely that you will fall lbw, but if the ball hasn't pitched in line, and most important of all, isn't hitting, then in my opinion you can be playing whatever shot you like and you won't be out.
I've seen loads of dodgy ones given though, and throwing in a bit of conspiracy theory it might come down to stats. In one league where I occasionally filled in as a player you were very vulnerable to LBs, simply because they wouldn't be given against the regulars on either team, who had played each other since Adam was a lad. As fresh meat, even a very big stride forward offered almost no protection.
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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2012, 11:36:37 AM »

Having played 2's cricket for most of my cricketing life I think you just have to get on with it, home umpires aren't going to give LBW's or close stumpings/ run outs against their own players unless you're really lucky and its absolutely plum. Had a funny one last week though where its looked pretty stone wall but  "not out" our bowler politely asked why not? and the panic set in on the lads face and he said "because it pitched outside off stump" all you can do is laugh really and even the majority of league umpires aren't any better either.


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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2012, 11:38:26 AM »

The last question any umpire should ask themselves before raising the finger is "Is there any legitimate reason that that is not out?"...

Quite right. My finger goes up pretty quickly if I have no doubt the guy is out. However, if I have to think about it, pause for a second, ponder - then it's basically not out. I gave a couple of plumb ones not out recently because I had doubts about the swing and balls pitching outside leg, no more than that. Likewise I gave one of our guys out to no more than a muted appeal because it swung late and was smashing all 3 down.

The LBW laws aren't rocket science - pitch outside leg then not out, foot outside off then not out, anything else is pretty much a height or direction issue unless the guy is running down the track.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 11:40:36 AM by uknsaunders »
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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2012, 11:55:44 AM »

even the majority of league umpires aren't any better either.

agree, we don't normally have umpires but due to a cup run we've had them for 3/4 games this season. Some are pretty decent but others are more trouble than they are worth. Here's my collection from this season:-

1. Can you move a step forward umpire?, no because I can't see the front foot line and I'll have to no ball you.
2. Ump - you guys are terrible timewasters. Me - ok, we bowled 28 overs in how long?, ump - I don't know but the oppo took 2 hours 45 mins to bowl 40 ???? (we bowled 2 spinners for 16 overs in tandem and took 100 mins to bowl 28  by my reckoning)
3. Ump miscounts the overs by 2 overs (after only 20 gone), makes the scorer cry for missing a bye
4. Ump insists on "coming down", not overs completed
5. Ump labels us "clowns" - never told me specifically why, says the oppo has respect for them. Oppo stood at the crease for a full 20 seconds after each dismissal, even when bowled making there displeasure very obvious and in many leagues that's blatant dissent.
6. Ump tells me that if it rains the game is off as it's 100 yards to the pavilion and he'll be to wet to continue.

Pay £30 per ump for this. It's not an easy job and always try to be friendly and helpful to them, as all our players do, but some don't help themselves.
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Re: Becoming a joke!
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2012, 02:29:40 AM »

One thing I've noticed about my club, compared to other clubs in our district, is we are perhaps too honest when umpiring. What we basically agree on is if we edge a catch to the keeper and we know for sure we hit it we should walk, so as not to put any added pressure on our team-mate to give the decision. More often that not other teams won't give their players out when they've edged it, nor do their batsmen walk. I think it's a sensible and honourable thing for us to do, but we are probably shooting ourselves in the foot with our honesty.
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