I've currently got three usables and an old retired newbery excalibur.
Pro Grade 2-6 used last season but due to weather etc. I think it still needs some more playing in. Decent performer - but...
Salix Pod Performance 2-7 total bargain from the IJC Olympic sale. Knocked in but still needs to be netted with to get it played in. Most impressive bat I've ever tapped up - I'm expecting great things if only I can get bat on ball. Not much more that I can say about Salix - the reputation is hugely deserved if this example is any measure.
Ninja Assassin 2-9 ok creeping up in weight but I wanted to see if I could handle a bat in the 'popular' weight range. Another bargain thanks to this site. Great pick up, a flat face (didn't realise that when I bought it but it will be nice to see if it makes any sort of difference) and from an outstanding bat maker. Needs to be fully knocked in and netted with, but I want it scuff sheeted etc. first. Haven't even applied the mallet to it yet, but a few raps with the knuckles produced an encouraging response.
That's me done!