not sure I know many bankers who live up to the reputation of being "a banker" these days, unless you mean working brutally long hours in a fairly stressful environment... but that is a side issue.
Like a teacher then... Oh hold on, where is my 000s of bonus, company car, benefits...?!
Don't get me wrong, I am not moaning about being a teacher whatsoever - I love working with kids. However, the amount of sympathy I have for bankers is the same that I have for KP.
I agree to the point that it is much harder to be a banker now than it used to be but the bottom line is that it is still a well paid career for what the job entails.
On the side note of Rory, Tom Maynard's death was a hard one to take. Especially baring in mind that he was with him very shortly before he died. Injury or not, cricket is 50% mental and when the head goes, no amount of technique will sort that out.