silly question but one i have encountered mate
do you fine making one side of say a spine harder than the other one side the whole side my weaker arm side harder to shape
How did you learn to become a podshaver..
Who do you look up to in the batmaking world
What is the easiest way to get sharper spine and edges
Last one
Beeswax on cricket bats do you have any other products which give a shiny smooth finish to a cricket bat with a person with limited equipment
To use a Lekka term, Jasus Dave how many questions
do you fine making one side of say a spine harder than the other one side the whole side my weaker arm side harder to shapeYes I'm left handed and when the bottom hand is my right hand on the drawknife it is something you need to get used to.
How did you learn to become a podshaver..Trial and error to start with oh and keen interest in why and how bats perform... finally and if I knew that why not give it a try!
Who do you look up to in the batmaking world Look up to, there is only one chap for me and I still maintain there is/was no one better then John Newbery
In general I'm really liking Garys work at Redback, loving Tim Keeleys work, Nick Nixon up north and Stuart Kranzbualer [mis-spelt]
What is the easiest way to get sharper spine and edgesshape block plane or flat edge spokeshave
Last one
phew ;-)
Beeswax on cricket bats do you have any other products which give a shiny smooth finish to a cricket bat with a person with limited equipment Yes pm me