Is that a little dig I detect there Tom? If you can't take criticism mate you're not going to get far with your idea. We could all sit here and say they look brilliant and everyone wants a pair, but if we did that, you'd get loads made up and when push came to shove, sell very few because we were only being nice.
No, not at all. I just feel that in today's society it's all too easy to criticise. Of course I want truthful answers, but constructive ones. No point in saying "this is crap", why not "this is crap because" or "I would prefer" etc etc.
I've taken plenty of criticism before and I'm more then ready to take it!!! You won't be the first to criticise and definitely won't be the last!!!
Thanks for your opinions though, as they really are considered.
How much are you paying for your pads and gloves Tom ?
Not something I'm willing to talk about to be honest. I'm sure you'll have a fair idea, being in the industry and all.
I quite like the pads. I think there are too many pads that try to be too different and I'm a big fan of the traditional design. Add a cheeky little graphic in there somewhere and i would entertain buying them. Maybe a bit of interest in the straps would be a good call? And I agree that the bits on the inside would be better off not white as they will get sweaty and yellow. Gloves, I'm not such a huge fan of. They remind me a lot of Newbery gt335s, and I really don't like the silver finger on the non batting hand finger (if that makes sense). If that finger was white, tehy would look a lot nicer but I'm not your intended target market as I don't like (and wouldn't buy) sausage style glove (just my opinion as I know a lot of people are). Do you have a logo yet?
Thanks for that mate. Yes a logo is in mind, not 100% sure how we are going to market our equipment yet. Now that a few people have mentioned it the gloves do seem to look like the GT335's. I can assure you that it is not intentional. This is far from the finished colour scheme.