Sure...I suppose I'd personally let it go on the basis that a) A good bat is a good bat, b) the outsourced part is in (very) good hands and c) to cut the guy some slack.
At the end of the day if we knew the mechanics of most things we purchase we'd probably feel as a consumer we are getting a rough deal. Al lot of business (including mine, an Insurance company) start by having an outsourced section, with the understanding that when a business grows, the function comes in house.
I suppose the alternative "Hi, I'm Johnny NewBatmaker, I don't actually press or handle the clefts, though as I'm new to the game its unrealistic to expect that, what I do have is a decent enough knowledge of what makes a bat work" though it's not a catchy enough slogan.
Not to mention that can of worm that would open up if we 'outed' all the other batmakers that have an identical process.