All in the development stage at the moment. ill be sending the designs over to the supplier in the next week or so. im trying to be different but maintain the classic style pads etc. very difficult when you dont know what limitations are in place. hopefully what ive designed will work. I have a little bit of time as im planning on getting them ready for the end of the year so not too bad.
Yes, it's tough if you are not sure what they are capable of doing. My advice to you would be to spend some money and go ver to India to visit our supplier. It's certainly a worthwhile investment. You will be able to see what they can do and what tier limitations are and I'm sure you'd be surprised by what can actually be done and what you don't know simply because you didn't ask or the option was not provided to you.
the square sections are easier to make and therefore quicker meaning that they can be made by the less skilled workers, when i went out to get our sorted way back in the day only 2 workers i nthe factory had the skill set to make up our elite gloves whilst 8 workers could make the Premier glove.This all has a knock on effect to the overall cost and speed of production to you as the end customer...they will try and get you to use as simple a design as possible
all depends what factory you are using mate as some will have a higher % of skilled workers than others etc to cope with volume and quality
The ares bats are insane looking! sorry for off topic comment!