Hello everyone.
I still have some physical stock with me from my last visit to the Pack Cave. The bats were chosen by myself and are all fantastic performers. They've proved extremely popular with my team mates and other players around my local leagues. Theres few MP+2 and MP+1 bats available.
I'll be offering the bats at £150 and £180 inc UK postage, oiling and knocking in with anti scuff.
Will post a few images once I'm home and if anyone wants additional information please feel free to drop me a message or email.
Thanks PW88
Bat 1. BOMBORA pink labels. 35mm edges 2lbs10oz
[IMG ]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa381/pidge1988/IMAG0209.jpg[/img]
Bat 2. BOMBORA blue labels. 35mm edges 2lbs10oz nice light pickup
Bat 4. New wave mp+1 blue labels 9 very even grains. 36mm edges. 2lb11oz nice Chunky profile Excellent rebound
Any additional questions please feel free to ask.