I've been spending most of today working on our first 2013 Gray-Nicolls order. Quite a tricky task! I keep going back and forth about the GN100 Force, so I wanted the CBF's views on this bat.
Basically, the Scoop will have 2 grades next year, with the Force being the entry level. It is English Willow and will RRP at £100, so we'd sell it for around £85. I am not sure if it's Grade 3 or 4, and haven't actually seen the bat yet, but it is basically just a low end Scoop (apparently no difference in shape etc.)
The main reason they're doing this is because the G2 Scoop is going up in price to £250, so they want to give the punter a bit more of an option. Despite this, both grades of the Scoop will still have very limited numbers, like this year, so they are bound to come and go quickly...
Will this GN100 Force cheapen the Scoop's image? Are the people who want to buy the Scoop going to be put off by a sub £100 price tag? Or is it quite relevant, especially now the standard Scoop has gone up in price?
I look forward to hearing some feedback as it will certainly help me make my mind up on stocking them...