fair enough, I've an absolute beauty of a bat that I got cheap due to a few pressing cracks, just wondered what would happen to such a bat at most batmakers.
PM me if you'd like to put money where you mouth is and make one for me! I'm genuinely intruiged more than anything!
Ah, get you now, that must really be annoying.Presumably the sort of bat I have would get sold off at a discount in most places then.
Actually do you mind if I ask a question Dan, why go for a laminate? Is it the performance talk thing that you'd be interested in?
Of sorts...I'm not declaring that I think they're a magic 'wonder bat' that will split balls in half, though I do find they have a if not performance then a resilience and perhaps consistency that outweighs some of the top of the range bats.I really dig your scientific approach to batmaking, so would happy to finance you experiment to see what a saf laminate would look like!
How much are bat-making trends driven by the players and how much by the manufacturers?
What's been worst, yet widely adopted and considered positive, gimmick or trend in batmaking?
I might have missed the boat on questions but if not here is 1/1.5What are you passionate about other than cricket/bat making (you mentioned guitars is there anything else)? If you could have been something other than a bat maker what would you have picked (I know you are an engineer first)?