It would be fun to go into a retailer and try all the bats, then choose the one which feels most confortable for me and taps up nicely! But for me, going to a custom maker, choosing a cleft and the maker ensuring that it is a very responsive one, then having it shaped, balanced and finished (checking the feel of it at several stages) - and ensuring that everything is perfect for me, whilst I watch and have a cuppa with some cake and biscuits is the absolute best feeling there is! Makes you feel all warm and cozy!
In my experience you get some lovely retail bats - one of the best I had was an Adidas. Also had nice GN and GM and others! But have experienced many poor retail 'off the shelf' bats too!
But I have only ever experienced 1 poor custom bat, and that was due to poor pressing...and that was also an absolute 1-off bad one! So in my somewhat wide experience of trying bats, I feel that most of the custom bats do offer something very special.
Also as people have said, you just need to find a decent bat that suits your game better?