Oh yeah, my brother gets this problem. His toe ends up all bruised, and I think some of it has gone black... It's his right toe though I think as he's a lefty. Maybe the shoes need a little wearing in? Or perhaps your foot shape isn't suited to the shoe you're wearing! I know some shoes are wider which are designed for people with flatter feet! This might cause some movement inside the shoe if you have a slightly narrower arch, as it has more room for people with a wider/flatter arch. Currently getting some insoles, and was told that my £95 Asics are good, but may need to be replaced for a different pair... Not because of the shape though, but because the foam/rubber around the arch area is strengthened in terms of density, and I apparently would do better with a neutral one.
There is so much more to shoes than what I realised before! Knowing really does make you think a little more before buying!