So for Christmas my dad said he'd let me pick out a new bat.
As the family was ill we took a trip up to Taunton to get out of the house and we decided to go to SCS. The selection of bats there weren't great but I found a Dynadrive and my Maverick. The Dynadrive was beautiful in terms of pick up and weight and I would have taken it without even looking at any of the other bats but the stickers we poorly applied, the two scoops on the back weren't of even length and it looked awful. The Maverick on the other hand is brilliant all round.
It weighs 2.10 and feels around the same weight of my quantum which it 2.9 so the pick up is great. The face isn't full of grains, only 4 but they are reasonably straight and the face has only one small blemish.
Edges are 35mm which is fine for me and the ping is great.
I may put a review up on YouTube on the Forum channel if I get the go ahead from whoever runs it and puts the videos up so any help on that would be great.
Here are the pictures.
And a cake that i made