Over the last year or so I've seen various ways to repair a cracked/ damaged toe. There are loads of different options available although I think it tends to differ from bat to bad and the kind of damage caused.
I'd say the three main ones are;
Glue and binding
Wooden dowel/ pinning
Toe inserts
Anyway, I've received a bat over Christmas to repair. This was a strange one to me, I've never seen a crack develop and not go ether through the face or the back of the bat before. I couldn't open it up and simply glue and clamp and didn't think pinning it would give enough protection so decided to go down the toe insert route.
So started on it today, I've made another jig to make sure that the cut it accurate and to give a nice tight fit. Once I was happy with the test pieces I made the channel in the damaged toe then cut the correct width timber which was going to be glued in the gap.
It's all glued up and clamped, just need to trim the excess off and sand.