Bats wise, i see cricket as a difficult enough sport as it is, why not make things as easy as possible and have the best bat available?
Softs wise, i will very rarely face a bowler who bowls the heat that would require me to have top end pads and gloves (arguably helmet but we'll get to that) but i like the stylish look and most importantly, the comfort that high end (not necessarily top) softs provide.
Lid wise, again arguably i wont really need one at my level, but as i always had to wear one til i was 18, i cant bat without one now. Even from slower bowlers i have seen a few nasty injuries from cheap lids, and even albions and masuris. My new ayrtek (and before that my masuri keepers lid) give me great levels of vision compared to other lids, and are lightweight and comfortable.
I like asics shoes because of the comfort, the looks are secondary.
I had these opinions and spending policies even before i was a retailer, only differnece now is i can afford to buy a little bit more gear...