I have bowled thank you, Don't bowl much anymore due to having a bad knee (you may notice the limp on the videos). Anyway, my reasons were as follows:
1) Colour is a horrible colour red that I generally only ever remember seeing on what I'd class as 'bad' balls.
2) The seam directly down the middle of hte ball looks similar to the crap we use for sunday league which after 20 ish overs starts to rise and looks ugly. The decent balls I've used before don't do this, this looks like it will.
3) Ran out of 'reasons' tbh, I just don't like the ball and think it looks like one people buy cheaply then come and throw down at nets.
I maybe wrong, but your question was 'what would I pay', and to me that looks like a cheap ball so I wouldn't pay much. I maybe wrong as I'm not perfect and don't know everything.
Jesus Heworth, that ball is done for! Which actually raises a question: When do you guys throw away balls?? I personally buy pretty good (or what I think are good ones!) and once they lose their seam and go a bit soft I throw them away.