band saw and a jig
Also , I assume with a bandsaw you'd cut with the flat face of the bat facing up for a more accurate cut , but how would you keep the face level without a flat surface against the table (the spine would be).
Not sure, although it's on the list of questions the next time I visit H4L to go cleft shopping
flat face down! how else would u keep it flat? u can push down on the spine onto a flat curface? lol loads of vids on youtube of bat makers doing this
Do you just do the size/positioning on judgement then?
Hey guys , as I'm starting my second bat soon , and am getting quite into it , I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but was wondering what sort of tools I would require to splice and handle a cleft . Not planning on doing it just yet but I'm curious. Would you use a table saw (or band saw or jig saw?)? And how would you go about making sure you cut it at the correct angle? Thanks .