Ok, now I bought a albion ultimate classic helmet online and received it yesterday. The back pad fits tight and secure to each of the velcro pads. The same with the front one, tight and secure. But on the right and left hand side the pads fit 'loosely' to the right and left velcro pads, but not at all to the middle velcro pad, and overall this leads to the pads on the right and left hand side looking and feeling 'loose'. Is this a fault? Or is this how they are meant to fit?
Basically prodirect cricket have been no help whatsoever and are saying if I believe it is faulty then I should send it back, and if found to be faulty, they will refund my money and postage. But I just wanted to see if anyone else has an albion helmet and how the pads inside their helmet fit, or even how the pads inside other branded helmets fit. Because my previous helmet was a Slazenger - no idea what model - but the inside of my slazenger is significantly different, and in my opinion, seemingly better made because everything is securely fit into the helmet.
Anyway, does my new helmet sound faulty with the side pads inside fitting 'loosely' or is this how the side pads are meant to fit?