@Vitas Cricket ha! Okay I'll have to eat my words temporarily as that at least looks the part but I stand by what I said. I still think the prices have gone completely crazy for what you actually get. Can we honestly say that all the legends look like that? I'll always feel that for the best part of a grand you should get the rockstar treatment and not just have a bat off the shelf. I'd have that travis head personally over that and it's nearly a hundred quid cheaper isn't it?
I agree top end bats are rather expensive nowadays. The number of top end clefts isn't going up year on year but there has been an explosion of bedroom brands who market themselves as selling 'pro grade' or 'players grade' etc bats. The simple supply and demand equation does have an impact here, and some of the demands made to batmakers who supply on a white label basis are ridiculous. In the specific case of the legend it is one of the only bats that I have found to be genuinely limited edition. Forget 'a run of only 100' or 'extremely limited edition' etc, we sold 4 Legends in 2016 and I had a customer wanting what would have been our 5th. A simple 'I'm afraid they are all gone for this season' was the response. Apart from a model being discontinued or trying to order something when a warehouse is empty 2 weeks before a brand takes delivery of the new seasons order, I've never been told a bat is completely off the table.
I personally feel the mid/lower price points have barely changed in the 5 and half years we've been in the business, top end has gone up significantly though.
We sell Legends for £575 and yes the GM Player Editions are cheaper than that, lovey bats. My post was very tongue in cheek but I did see what you said in another topic, if you want that experience where you can visit Robertsbridge and sit down with the batmaker and have something truly bespoke then you can, you really won't get much change from £1000 though, we sell it for (I think) £950