Most interesting comments, thanks to all.
If I could explain to all about the GM bat range - we have 6 different profiles : Icon, Argon, Zona, Octane, Purist and Six6. That is the same number of profiles as in the last two years. For 2014, we have discontinued Epic and 1885 as their sales do not merit inclusion in the range going forward. Typically each profile gives a different swell position and size. All of that is set out graphically in our Bat Spectrum on the website as Buzz has already said.
Over the last couple of years we have been able to bring to market different face curvatures, "cambers" as has been said above. We felt it sensible to define these faces by the maxiumum drop in millimetres between the highest and lowest points of the face - hence F7 (traditional, 7mm drop), F4.5 (flatter, 4.5 mm drop), F2 (flat, 2mm drop).
The only bat in which we have made the three faces available is Icon. Icon is our most popular, most enduring shape of recent times and by making available one bat in F7, F4.5 & F2 we allow a ready comparison of the different faces.
Argon is available in F2 & F7 as last year.
Octane, Purist and Zona are only available in F2.
Six6 is only available in F4.5.
So, in terms of choice :
Icon - 3 face choices
Argon - 2 face choices
Six6, Octane, Purist & Zona - no choice.
Do we make all bats available in all three face choices? No. Why not? Because not all profiles work with different faces.
Kind regards