Could you expand on the reasons that you refuse these bats.
And also the reasons why you may think the manufacturer original grades them at the higher level?
There seems to be quite a lot of inconsistency in mallet response. For example, we saw some stunning looking junior bats yesterday, but Chris and I agreed that they didn't respond very well off the mallet at all, so despite their good looks, we didn't take any. They were very hard and very unresponsive. Even in the higher grades you get bats like this: there was a Tour a bit like this as well.
And then, looks-wise, there are quite a few that have stains on them, or big blemishes right in the middle of the bat. Fewer of these in the top grade, but still we believe these ones should be avoided.
I guess, in every batch of 500 bats, there will be 50 or so that fit this description, even from the better bat makers. If bats are made in large numbers, the consistency of quality cannot really be retained right across the board. That's my view anyway...